Conflict Analysis, the Formal Theory of Behavior a Conceptual Revolution in Education, Psychology and Religion: The Museum of the Creative Process / by M Levis

Oct 2012

Identifying the unconscious as a natural science and moral order entity the Conflict Resolution Process as the core of the educational curriculum

Education has failed because it lacks meaning, personal emotional relevance, and clarity of values. The problem is the absence of a core integrative paradigm.
The Formal Theory introduces the creative process as a conflict resolution mechanism

Manchester, VT, (PRWEB) October 31, 2012


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Conflict Analysis, The Formal Theory Of Behavior has identified the unconscious by observing the creative process as a natural science conflict resolving or moral order equilibrial phenomenon identical to two natural science equilibrial phenomena. The scientific study of this moral phenomenon transforms behavior into The Science Of Conflict Resolution Or The Moral Science integrating the humanities and the sciences and demystifying psychology and religion. Behavior and morality as scientific phenomena belong to the domain of education and may be incorporated into the regular curriculum.

Education and psychology have lacked a core integrative paradigm. This has resulted in the fragmentation of knowledge as the diversity of theories on psychology and the multiplicity of religions attributing motivation to diversity of desires and leading to multiple competing truths. The failure of meaningful explanations has led to fragmentation of knowledge, has strained humanistic psychodynamic thinking, has led to the medicalization of psychology and psychiatry, to alienation meaninglessness and agnosticism, and alternatively to fanaticism.

Conflict Analysis The Formal Theory Of Behavior reverses this trend by introducing clarity on motivation and meaning by identifying the human unconscious as the innate need for conflict resolution, a natural science order. We identify the structure of the unconscious as six role states by examining the creative process as a conflict resolution physical mechanism. This is a periodic phenomenon, the unit of the social sciences, the origin of all moral thought identified as equivalent to two natural science equilibrial phenomena. First the unconscious is seen as an emotional dialectic abiding by the formal relational operations of the equilibrial trays of the scale. Then the unconscious is equated with the physical structure of the Simple Harmonic Motion, SHM.

This equation introduces into behavior the formal operations of the scale, as the three principles of conflict resolution, and the constructs and formulas of the SHM, pertaining now to the six role state dialectic. This equation leads to conceptual transformation introducing clarity on the nature of behavior and of morality. There is a difference between the mind and machines; mental or emotional energy is conserved but not dissipated. It is transformed in the course of the six exchanges by the unconscious from conflict to resolutions, from chaos to order, from entropy to negative entropy; when the transformation is completed by the creative process, the person experiences relief of tension, and pauses to celebrate the state of rest. The key mental motivation is this need for rest, emotional order. We equate this need with the yearning for universal harmony of religious quests.

Since the unit of conflict resolution is equated to two equilibrial natural periodic phenomena all aspects of behavior otherwise vague conceptually become measurable natural science constructs bound by science’s formulas.

The object of study: We become conscious of the unconscious as a scientific phenomenon resolving conflict by observing the plot of stories as an emotional syndrome. The constructs and formulas of physics and logic are applied into the study of the process.

1. Conceptualization of behavior acquires appropriate epistemic equivalents. Three relational formal operations of the equilibrial scale: reciprocity, opposites and correlatives guide the direction of an emotional and energetic transformation to resolution as mastery, cooperation and mutual respect. According to the SHM all aspects of behavior are energetic. Emotions and behaviors represent a conserved energetic quantity that is transformed from dynamic to kinetic, emotions to behaviors, and eventually upgraded to insights and rest. Deviations from norms, as power positioning, are relationally and physically defined with respective equivalent constructs and formulas from the realms of physics and logic. Behaviors are defined as normative deviations from the position of rest; they are equated with displacement. Emotions are identified directionally as acceleration opposite to the displacement, while behaviors are equated with velocity. All concepts bound by the equivalent formulas are graphically portrayable as harmonically interrelated sine waves.

2. We recognize alternative ways of resolving conflict as four relational modalities, dominance versus subordinacy, cooperation versus antagonism, qualified by the third variable of correlation as psychic tension corresponding to alienation versus mutual respect.

3. The Conflict Analysis Battery is a self-assessment that measures the unconscious of an individual using a number of samples of creativity reflecting conflicts as normative deviations along life issues. The tests cross-validate each other. The statistical analysis of the testing validates the theoretical premise.

4. Morality is defined by the balance of the three formal operations in the conflict resolution outcome. Religions sequentially discovered the three principles of conflict resolution as moral values governing people’s happiness. Religions are hence partial and complementary discoveries of science, forerunners of the new Moral Science. The new science integrates religions and makes them into natural science measurable conflict resolution phenomena with specific dimensions.

The moral/scientific unit of the social sciences changes agnostic psychology into the Moral Science. There are vast consequences for this development.

Binding morality and science the process integrates the humanities and the sciences. The Formal Theory conceives motivation as the need for conflict resolution. This need places behavior and morality on the same scientific foundation integrating psychology and morality with science. The new concept shifts the focus from multiple religions to one integrative testable thesis on the nature of morality.

Religions are conflict resolutions, psychologically generated normative determinations, partial and complementary discoveries of the science. They are not metaphysical phenomena, but psychological ones. They have evolved in the history of civilization as a continuum of increasingly fair restructurings of family relations and increasingly abstract redefinitions of the divine. The Science of Conflict Resolution completes the mission of religions by integrating them with each other and with psychology as the Moral Science. Moral law discovered natural law.

A new curriculum for education delivers meaningful integration of knowledge examining the circumscribed entity of any sample of creativity as the object of study for a rigorous analysis of behavior. This unit entity integrates the humanities and the sciences. The mental process is an equilibrial system, an emotional syndrome, a relational modality, the plot of stories, the history of religion, a self healing mechanism, the heartbeat of the mind, the inner compass guiding a person, the unconscious as the conscience; it is the metaphors, and it is morality as something universal and measurable. It is a physical entity that may be experimentally scrutinized.