Marathon Runner’s Message: Science Has Won the Battle of Reason Versus Faith / by M Levis

July 2012

Dr Albert Levis, a Yale trained psychiatrist, and Max Levis, PhD candidate, present during a VT weekend-workshop a major scientific breakthrough of enormous social and political significance: psychology becoming the exact Science of Conflict Resolution, the Moral Science, demystifying religion and revamping psychotherapy and education

Psychology becomes an exact science, the Science of Conflict Resolution. Religions are regarded as partial and complementary discoveries of science

Manchester, VT (PRWEB) August 15, 2012

The workshop is taking place on August 24-26, and repeated on August 31-September 2 and periodically after that. The location is in Manchester, VT, the Wilburton Inn, a turn of the century hilltop country estate, the home of the Institute of Conflict Analysis and of the Museum of the Creative Process.

The program aims to familiarize the public with the groundbreaking works of Dr. Albert Levis answering affirmatively the three big questions of the social sciences:

•Can psychology become an exact science?

•Can this science understand and reconcile religions?

•Can this science be studied as emotional and moral education in the classroom and in the clinical setting?

The answers are summed up in Dr. Levis’ five volumes and the five permanent art exhibits of the Museum of the Creative Process providing evidence supporting the theoretical position and its practical applications. The workshop consists of interactive lectures followed by viewing the exhibits of the Museum of the Creative Process and tapping creativity for self-discovery.

Evidence first, demonstrates that the creative process is a natural science conflict resolution mechanism, the measurable unconscious. This evidence validates the scientific and moral nature of the unconscious and demonstrates that psychology has crossed the last frontier of knowledge. Second, evidence demonstrates that religions evolved as partial and complementary discoveries of the Science of Conflict Resolution, and third, that we can deliver psychotherapy as a standardized psycho-education integrated as a safe concise and comprehensive program of personalized emotional education. This program may also be delivered in the classroom.

The workshop is recommended for the general public, but is suitable for the training of professionals, therapists, educators and clergy.

The Museum of the Creative Process has been recognized as a top attraction in the Manchester VT region.

Key words

The unconscious, creative process, conflict resolution, the Science of Conflict Resolution, the Moral Science, emotions, syndromes, wellness education, psychology and science, personality diagnosis, personality inventory, projective testing, self-assessment battery, Conflict Analysis Battery, self-help, psychotherapy, morality, religion, science and religion, God, emotional education, moral education, organizational development, coaching, Wilburton inn, Museum of Creative Process, art and science, metaphor interpretation, transference, Freud, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy integration, Albert

Albert Levis, Normative Publications

Conflict Analysis, the Formal Theory of Behavior, 1987

Conflict Analysis Training, the Conflict Analysis Battery, 1968

Science Stealing the Fire of the Gods and Healing the World, 2011

Moral Science, the Scientific Interpretation of Metaphors, 2012 and

Creativity and Power Management, 2012

Albert J. Levis
