The Museum of the Creative Process features five permanent art exhibits introducing the creative process as a scientific conflict resolution mechanism reflecting the unconscious. The Museum was established by Dr. Albert Levis, author of CONFLICT ANALYSIS, THE FORMAL THEORY OF BEHAVIOR.

The exhibits demonstrate the Formal Theory bridging art and science, gaining insight into the human unconscious as a scientific mechanism revamping our understanding of psychology and of religions as both founded on science. The scientific unconscious revamps psychology from a medical specialty into a pure psychodynamic science, the Science of Conflict Resolution, The Moral Science.

The museum and training center deliver workshops as a concise program of emotional education using creativity for self-discovery. Our mission is delivering this program in the classroom and the boardroom bringing emotional education to the public. The Museum provides online learning programs and ONE DAY, THREE DAYS AND MIDWEEK workshops at our campus in Manchester Vermont.

The museum art exhibits introduce a new way of looking at art finding science. They shift focus from isolated art to seeing continuity in them as conflict resolutions. Rather than evaluating art aesthetically, the Museum integrates canvases, sculptures, religions, stories into continua demonstrating the predictability of science resolving conflicts. The Museum teaches how to interpret stories as conflict resolutions that have measurable dimensions, that are graphically portrayable and in which we can find ourselves.  

The Museum conceptualizes the creative process as being a scientific phenomenon, a dynamic unit that transforms emotional energy from conflict to resolution. It recognizes that the creative process corresponds to the innate human need to reduce conflict following two phenomena of science. Through examining our creativity, we can appreciate the inner working of the human mind, allowing us a new ability to understand ourselves and society, to appreciate our strengths, and overcome our limitations.

In art, we find science. In science, we find morality. In our stories, we find a path towards insight and enlightenment.

Join us for a workshop as a concise program of emotional education. You will learn about the new science and explore your creativity for self-discovery. The workshops present the theory and its applications:


  1. THEORY ON THE UNCONSCIOUS: The scientific analysis of the creative process identifies the unconscious as a six-role syndrome of emotions leading to a set of four types of conflict resolutions. The unconscious is a homeostatic mechanism reducing psychic tension. It is an emotional energetic transformation abiding by the laws of the pendulum oscillation and the equilibrial formal operations restoring balance in the trays of al scale.

  2. THEORY ON WELLNESS DIAGNOSES: Identifying the four ways of resolving conflict, the syndromal structure of emotions as four wellness diagnoses the relational modalities, a personality typology. These diagnoses are pivotal in understanding ourselves connecting our emotions and behaviors. They are the meaningful alternative to DSM 5 illness diagnoses.

  3. APPLICATION TO PSYCHOLOGY: The Conflict Analysis Battery is a self-assessment instrument combining a personality inventory and creativity exercises. Its completion represents a concise program of emotional education. It is didactic, diagnostic and therapeutic. It is available online.

  4. APPLICATION TO SOCIOLOGY: Moral Monopoly is an educational card game, understanding religions as partial and complimentary discoveries of science, progressively improving the family relations by identifying the alternative ways of resolving conflict. Playing the game educates on psychology as a science and that religions represent complementary discoveries of science that can be integrated into the Science of Conflict Resolution, the Moral Science, doing so completing their mission for peace in the world.


Online Power Management Training

The Conflict Analysis Battery is an interactive learning program unlike any other psychological test or intervention. It is based on the scientific evaluation of the unconscious as a measurable mechanism, connecting emotions and behaviors into a conflict resolution pattern. It is didactic, diagnostic and therapeutic, valid and reliable, yet responsive, humanistic, and meaningful. Completing the program is both an intellectual and an emotional experience. It is a concise, personalized program of emotional education that may be used both as a routine self-evaluation and in the context of training or therapy. Our vision is that it become the standard psychological evaluation, but also that it can be used within the classroom, the boardroom, and the prison, allowing personal growth with minimal need for professional services. Click here to read more about the Museum's online training program. 


The Museum of the Creative Process, offers a selection of four workshop training opportunities:  Insight in one hour completing the brief assessment, enlightenment in one day for a one day workshop through the exhibits, and wisdom in one week completing the entire self-assessment. The Insight program centers on self-discovery utilizing the Relational Modality Evaluation Scale and the Animal Metaphor Test. The Enlightenment Program consists of the guided tour of the five art exhibits of the Museum of the Creative Process delivering information on the concepts of the Moral Science in a systematic fashion. The Wisdom program includes completing the battery, focusing on their integration of religions and psychology and its personal relevance. The workshops are recommended for a general audience interested in furthering self-knowledge and for professionals interested in strengthening their skills of understanding behavior and morality. Click here to read more about the Museum's workshops. 

Moral Monopoly 

Moral Monopoly is an educational card-game introducing the formal analysis of cultural stories as a progression of scientific discoveries improving family relations and the definition of the divine. The game respects the religion as moral monopolies but integrates them as complementary discoveries of the Moral Science. The game utilizes the structure of the deck of cards as a metaphor illustrating the three components of the unconscious: the four suits corresponding to four relational modalities, the cards of each suit reflecting the syndromal six-role process structure of stories, and the signage of the suits, spade to heart, reflecting symbolically incremental effectiveness. Click here to read more about the Moral Monopoly game.